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[成人游戏] Pick Me Honey! [English] [複製鏈接]

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•    Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit modes)

5 E- w7 C7 ^2 ~4 b, w# z' w
640 MB hard drive, 32 MB Memory, Pentium II or higher processor recommended, DirectX compatible graphics and sound card.
7 y7 U6 W# p% Y6 D( X' T4 |

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My name is Reiji Oshima, an average Japanese student. I've got a problem -- I'd really like to find a girlfriend, but I'm surrounded by beautiful girls who seem intent on keeping me from getting romantically involved with someone. Then on my birthday, my father makes an announcement: I am to take over the family business, but before that day I must choose a wife from among the beautiful girls in the room. According to Japanese law, a man can only marry one person, but in Japan's past it was common for men to take a wife as well as several concubines. But which girl will I choose for my wife?

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And so the battle for my heart begins, with childhood friend Hazuki, charming and pure Chihiro, elegant Mio, cute Futaba-sensei and totally grown-up Yoriko all vying for my love by cooking, cleaning, and doing anything they can for me. It's a breathtaking battle of love, and my life is good!

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Pick Me, Honey! is a multi-scenario love-sim game for Windows. You play the interactive game by moving through the story and making choices that affect the outcome, allowing for many different potential endings and excellent replay value. The game features the original Japanese voices along with an accurate English translation. This game is 100% uncensored.

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Censored: No
3 w4 J; I+ T# q, F
Language: English
( \- t% ~/ j: y3 W8 \
Size: 992 Mb
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$ H$ K8 G& K" U/ v0 O! Q- |4 Z9 f2 X' W
1 v5 l, a2 @, p1 R% z
Download Now
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; _- Z* O5 T! w+ Rhttp://oron.com/pkcggkbdqzdc% x9 K9 l) {7 F' Q& \
http://oron.com/2r8lzccr00xw9 \6 x( O: \( y) A
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