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[成人游戏] The Sagara Fami1y [複製鏈接]

$ n9 E  s) G# f  j0 ~# g

( I: \' O2 \- ?+ Z  d5 l
Publisher: G-Collections
6 r( f3 K4 {9 m( R& X
Genres: Sex Adventure, VN, Animation, Group Sex, Straight
) L9 J9 b; a6 s# Z. B) O+ v. F
Language: English/Japan
% A+ j1 w& a' j- N+ v& h8 a6 t: f
File size: 742mb
: J4 _) J/ I: s% {$ Q8 B# v

- h2 n; h6 O* d2 T. c) [( K% L
! C% s4 _1 z8 d" u/ t6 Z3 i/ s

, ?! S' B- C4 ?& D+ `& m
An adult-oriented bishoujo adventure game. You are Yusuke, a Japanese youth about to enter college in Tokyo. When your father suggested that you live with the family of a friend of his while you attend school, you didn't really have an opinion one way or the other. Until, that is, you found out that the Sagara Family is comprised of nothing but women: four beautiful daughters and their sexy widowed mother!
; {8 J8 \$ G9 s" g( g5 k, h7 g; w
The Sagara Family is a multi-scenario love-sim game for Windows. You play the interactive game by moving through the story and making choices that affect the outcome, allowing for many different potential endings. The English-language version features the original Japanese voices along with English translation. This game is 100% uncensored

* v, x8 w" e- I  M5 V% h& W. m8 K( D' `* x+ K

+ W, B4 n/ {. o$ m0 l
) ~9 W' r3 I% k
System requirements:

$ K! {0 S5 y* C" n* @
OS: Microsoft (R) Windows (R) XP/Me/98/2000
% a" E% e: f- F, j$ @
CPU: Pentium (R) II 300MHz or higher (Pentium (R) II 500MHz recommended)

  F% x) l6 `( K4 [. w/ w
Memory: 96MB (128MB recommended)

8 I! `/ y) Y; s8 f& ?" S6 O3 ]8 V
Graphics: HighColor 800 ? 600, DirectX7 compatible graphics board with 8MB (16MB recommended) Video memory
* {0 m7 x8 u) E. n
HDD: 900Mb

: y9 L8 v; ?4 _: D# ^
& h1 T! z% \/ ]* {& \0 r; x* m5 n9 b* `
http://oron.com/622q96pn7mgn, Q& x0 w* r  C$ S; ?
收藏收藏 贊贊(0)

回復樓主 親!! 現在是後半夜!妳失眠啦?餓啦?通宵加班?還是想WK啦?

 分享同時學會感恩,一句感謝的話語,就是最大的支持!  歡迎交流討論
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