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[無圖菜譜] 魔法香草蛋糕 [複製鏈接]

' u1 v9 q& O  f, e* q  x' S500cc
8 h/ P- `1 c9 r, [, z1 f香草莢4 m1 R, o" e& x5 J: p9 {
2條1 j- s& ]5 S4 K! ^- R
雞蛋! y0 C9 E# C6 }2 z7 V$ z' S8 J  o1 A
4個; ^* x, j6 x: {; W0 i2 S7 C) ], g
* c0 `1 S, [/ U9 o  |125g4 N& p# N& k4 S2 U1 l4 b9 p7 ~  `) H6 m
6 t1 K$ S* Y" Q, Y& q% f110g
6 ^- ^8 Z6 B3 T細砂糖
! R1 O- S* I" v/ U0 D150g
% `# j6 h2 l2 e4 }  b
( i' a0 X$ b$ A8 F2 {' _15cc
; u2 o7 ^# I$ u' b* {6 v
( t; d: r6 e7 B2 f/ D6 N0.5g* j, |4 ]' Y! t, C+ J
- o$ p5 s, X  R2 p5 \  p

7 T) k* w$ \# K; H$ d  @牛奶倒入鍋中
/ K) H9 g% `1 [$ v! q6 U( ^4 }6 Tpour milk into the pot
* n4 p5 B& Y* ?3 X牛奶倒入鍋中
+ @9 x% Z& `7 z1 _) a) w3 ?# J% i" \& Vpour milk into the pot! |9 A* C1 T2 y3 [2 t2 f6 o
/ ~" S% D! H; B
香草莢取出香草籽,放入牛奶鍋後加熱至微微沸騰,之後關火靜置1小時& m4 ]2 y0 t4 M
Put the vanilla seeds into the milk pot, heat to boiling, turn off the heat and let stand for 1 hour9 R9 o6 Z" K/ [
香草莢取出香草籽,放入牛奶鍋後加熱至微微沸騰,之後關火靜置1小時" m; ?. h2 {* j6 c" r6 `, r! I  Y- D
Put the vanilla seeds into the milk pot, heat to boiling, turn off the heat and let stand for 1 hour
$ E$ h/ z* @1 n3 M& V: s7 Q: V7 S. d* Z
5 u, f- @/ D+ L) bEgg 4 egg whites and egg yolks separated4 i4 ~0 J) @6 m9 Y) n, x! G
雞蛋4顆蛋白與蛋黃分開放0 f" o5 K7 l/ l
Egg 4 egg whites and egg yolks separated
8 @+ q1 M. @8 C: ]/ h7 w3 [9 q6 P% @8 |! o+ A
無鹽奶油放入熱水中隔水融化* J" W6 Y& I8 a/ G" k8 h2 m
Melt unsalted butter in hot water
* r$ ^+ a( T" E: x無鹽奶油放入熱水中隔水融化! Z! G. i* ?3 U2 I3 H/ v  ?
Melt unsalted butter in hot water1 p( \# q; v5 G* R5 C- ~4 E
# U; [' x# F4 }/ L
: u3 @# b$ ~' X  a5 _; \, x# Csifted low-gluten flour& e/ g$ R1 K5 D% z7 ~! X6 T
7 l, I( {4 s/ psifted low-gluten flour
4 h4 w$ B3 r# |  b" W
2 c$ V; z& u7 u0 Z7 T5 V" I# V' t
, E0 x/ h$ t+ z0 L* q9 Z- g
& l# g- s( R% l( i20 cm diameter round baking tin lined with parchment paper
* \8 q& c& e$ p; c- ]6 h9 s直徑20公分圓形烤模鋪上烤盤紙$ r+ f7 v/ v: K- R% a# c  d
20 cm diameter round baking tin lined with parchment paper
$ l! A% r$ T7 V6 a6 T7 q& a! Z+ [6 H* Q5 n7 ]# P: W
. q* }$ b# g1 a6 n8 pAdd half (75g) of caster sugar and 15cc of water to the egg yolk
3 Z5 k$ q% p/ |$ \蛋黃加入一半(75g)的細砂糖跟15cc水
4 g9 W3 Z7 ]' N$ JAdd half (75g) of caster sugar and 15cc of water to the egg yolk
4 s  |! F. `4 R" m8 [; v* s: b9 T3 i3 t$ z$ E( V6 y
1 a5 j1 e' A* e: m7 G4 U; hBeat the egg yolks with an electric mixer until they change color( {& u0 ]! M# `# x
/ A. o& V; L% P; b9 D  |$ WBeat the egg yolks with an electric mixer until they change color7 B. H1 e7 W" D& @

0 K( Z, k0 X/ q: Y+ M加入融化的奶油,攪拌均勻6 i( o# [! K" d" j
Add the melted cream and mix well
3 O+ w* N! a  w: T7 @% z加入融化的奶油,攪拌均勻2 f2 a9 `& y/ o$ g
Add the melted cream and mix well
4 o; D5 Q5 w8 k) R3 \
! d" R; |  S( p5 }+ s. `; `加入低筋麵粉  d0 v9 i) m5 j/ b4 e9 h
Add Cake Flour. w' |$ x" y6 K; }% V
1 l/ `5 a, v0 F- v$ W( OAdd Cake Flour2 O( p. Q- M8 w
( L2 Q* d0 o0 K- V" X) R& t

% D4 x8 Z6 T2 S7 ~/ a
/ x4 K3 u& J, y( f" f/ D+ D加入鹽
9 [5 V, b- P) N2 |2 `add salt( U) ]; @% D3 _# O* _
加入鹽$ m+ L! s  {% \* p. [- M! H6 I4 v# A
add salt2 u4 c+ |/ a  p9 g0 L* {
$ D! F7 z% \& l4 d; b- M
用電動攪拌器攪拌3-5分鐘,直到完全看不到麵粉& i3 U4 U& R: A- ^9 ~) t
Beat with an electric mixer for 3-5 minutes until no flour can be seen at all0 s6 T% K7 T( o7 Z1 Z

: N7 l3 `- ?/ P) z6 y7 A: e少量多次加入煮好的香草牛奶,並持續攪拌,直到香草牛奶加完
  m6 {% c  _! O7 T6 X0 v, pAdd the cooked vanilla milk little by little, stirring constantly, until the vanilla milk is added
- `) ]8 d! C$ r1 p6 {, m2 ?, u3 X蛋白分次加入剩餘的75g細砂糖並打發4 O- p$ c- Z" _1 {# Q$ v2 c0 _
Add the remaining 75g of fine sugar to the egg whites and beat- Y* l) e( U5 h  O( e' U
( f( u8 D* n$ L
; b/ V* g2 B3 Y6 _Whip egg whites to dry peaks/ [9 ~" M. b% u$ U
" d$ I( `" i3 ~5 KGently mix the meringue into the batter with a whisk, leaving large pieces of floating meringue on the surface  |7 R. @& L' b9 R

8 j1 b  h* S- L" P2 b將麵糊倒入模具,用刮刀抹平表面5 o. R" ~. D" G! j
Pour the batter into the mold and smooth the surface with a spatula烤箱預熱到150度,烘烤50分鐘
* e  Z7 u0 h$ t" _Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and bake for 50 minutes
, y. I2 |' E" n; e) c$ S9 s
: Q" w9 {. y. H; J( I烘烤結束取出放涼後,再放入冰箱冷藏2小時/ E5 n! G1 l: s+ M/ N  A1 Q( T' n
After baking, take it out and let it cool, then put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours冷藏後脫模* c! }% n! R, O
Unmould after refrigeration
4 ^# ?* w" j- b4 A5 d1 y9 O4 T2 c/ V/ L' a. l% z. {
8 {' ?1 b4 v% i9 G' DDust the cake with powdered sugar上層海綿蛋糕層,下層布丁層的雙層蛋糕就做好了6 B8 s" X! F! o6 T0 C
The upper sponge cake layer and the lower pudding layer double layer cake is ready9 w0 E, d9 C8 N& I, ~
5 ?# I) Q7 q# B7 A" r" |
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發表於 2024-7-27 20:38:32 | 只看該作者

回復樓主 親!! 現在是淩晨!妳失眠啦?餓啦?通宵加班?還是想WK啦?

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